Thursday, 10 May 2012

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: The Ark in Space Part Two

Me and Starcat have been joined by Cthulhu to watch this episode. Cthulhu says The Ark in Space is one of his favourite Doctor Who stories, though I don't know why.

We see the alien fall down again. It doesn't land on Harry and it is dead anyway, so Harry escapes from that perilous situation unscathed.

One of the mannys wakes up. Harry thinks she is a bird but she is Vira really. Vira thinks Harry talks nonsense and I would agree with her if he is going to mistake mannys for birdys. Vira tries to wake up Sarah and her leader, who she calls Noah though she says his real name is Laser. He is always called Noah (even in the credits) so I will call him Noah, though if my name was "Laser" then I wouldn't want to be called anything else.

The Doctor tells Vira that the mannys have all overslept by several thousand years, which is an impressive achievement - even cats would find it hard to have that much sleeps!

The green thing that Harry saw last episode is somewhere else, wriggling and turning handles. It is up to something but we don't know what. The Doctor finds it and it looks really horrible.

Noah and Sarah wake up. Vira has noticed that one of their mannys - Dune - is missing, and Noah thinks the Doctor is to blame. Noah gets a gun and shoots the Doctor before he can do anything to stop the green thing. The green thing touches Noah's hand and he falls over.

The Doctor wakes up when Harry and Sarah find him.
"Oh, he shot me, did he? Cut off in mid-sentence. I might have been saying something important. I was saying something important!"
This is a little joke before the episode gets very serious. Noah wakes up and then he goes and captures the Doctor, Harry and Sarah with his gun.

Vira wakes up another manny - Libri - and he gets scared of Noah. Noah gets confused and says he is Dune, the missing manny, and then he runs away. The Doctor convinces Libri to chase after Noah and then he tells Vira that he thinks the green thing nomed Dune and his memories too.

This is a very dramatic scene and is well acted by everybody in it, but it is just building up to the climax to make it more effective: Noah shoots Libri, and then we see that his hand has turned into a green tentacle!

This is a very scary moment and it is the end of the episode! Oh noes! We will have to wait until next time to find out what is going to happen.

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