Sunday 15 November 2009

Little Boots, Long Cat

Hey guys, Big Gay Longcat here again!
So that was last year's project. It took Duncan the whole year to get through all four seasons of Blakes 7. I'm glad he did it because if he hadn't I might not have found out about Avon and Tarrant or seen all the good stories by Terry Nation and other people.
This year Duncan has gone for another Challenge, which at the moment he is half way through. He is watching the 12-part series I Claudius, again one episode a week up until the end of the year. It has Derek Jacobi in it, who I have seen playing Hamlet and Richard the Second in Shakespeare plays and I think he is very nice. It also has BRIAN BLESSED in it - he was in Blakes 7, but only once because he blew up in space. He is the loudest manny in the world!
So it's over to Duncan again to blog about his I Claudius Challenge so far. It will have lots of spoilers for the story, so be warned if you have not seen it.

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