Friday 27 November 2009


I have been watching John Silver's Return to Treasure Island. It is a TV programme that has BRIAN BLESSED in it.
BRIAN BLESSED was in Blakes 7 where he blew up in space. He was a very shouty manny in that. He was also in I Claudius where he acted properly and he died at the end of his bit.

In this he is Long John Silver - not a long cat but a long manny. I didn't know you got long mannys until I saw this. He only has one leg. He is very clever and sneaky and does not die at the end. He is also very shouty, but BRIAN BLESSED still acts properly in it even though it was made after Flash Gordon, when he started just being loud and shouting "GORDON'S ALIVE!" a lot.

I think BRIAN BLESSED is now one of my heroes, though I don't like him in the way I like Paul Darrow.
Gamma Longcat doesn't like him because BRIAN BLESSED is so loud he wakes Gamma Longcat up when he is trying to have sleeps. BRIAN BLESSED is VERY LOUD.

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