Monday 16 November 2009

A Mars A Day

There was a Doctor Who story on TV yesterday, called Waters of Mars.

I don't like Doctor Who very much. I mean, I like some of it, but not all of it. I'd rather watch Star Trek or Blakes 7. I liked Doctor Who when Paul Darrow was in it. And I like some of the old stories in black and white and written by Terry Nation. I quite like Daleks. I like Steven Taylor, he's nice. And I like Jamie, he's nice too.

I don't like David Tennant playing the Doctor. He's too silly and shouty. I prefer Jon Pertwee. At least when he is silly and shouty you know he is serious as well. I like Captain Jack, but I don't like Torchwood at all. I don't know why they made Captain Jack into Captain Scarlet, but then I'm only a cat so maybe I just don't understand these things.

I wasn't really watching the story yesterday, I was busy having sleeps. It was supposed to be very scary though, like the scary face at the end of Star Trek. I didn't think the water monsters were very scary, but the Doctor turning into a baddy was scary, because he is meant to be a goody. That was very dramatic but I am confused because if the Doctor is a baddy now then who is the goody? Maybe that is why it is called Doctor Who.

Christmas seems a long way away...

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