Sunday 1 December 2019

Dragen Befaler

My friend Dragon really likes Taskmaster. Now that the most recent series has finished being on TV, he has taken to watching all the versions of it made in other countries, such as Bäst i Test from Sweden and Kongen Befaler from Norway.

I think the reason Dragon likes Taskmaster so much is because he would like to be the Taskmaster, and set tasks for all the mannys to do - tasks such as bringing him treasure for his hoard, or searching out the hidden city of Gondolin.

In series 9 of Traskmaster there was a task where the mannys had to write their own lyrics for the Taskmaster theme tune. Dragon has also done this for himself, and his lyrics are as follows:
Dragon's asleep
Nothing to fear
Taskmaster's on
Taskmaster's here
Dragon's awake
Dragon is near
Taskmaster is
His favourite show
You'd better not get in the way when Taskmaster is on the TV!
(Breathes fire)