Monday 8 August 2022

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs Part Three

Gamma Longcat found part too two scary for him, so this time I am joined by the bravest and scariest of all my cat friends, Scary Cat.

Also Dragon, who says he hopes the tyrannosaurus rex noms the Doctor. On the grounds that this is a six-part story, if for no other reason, I think this is - to say the least - unlikely. Why then, if I know that the Doctor isn't going to get et, was the end of part two such an effectively scary cliffhanger? I expect the answer is because although we know the Doctor will avoid becoming dinosaur noms, we don't know how he will avoid becoming dinosaur noms. Let's find out...

The Brigadier orders his soldiers to fire at the dinosaur, but they only knock the Doctor over instead. This forces Yates to run in and save the Doctor by using the stun gun on the tyrannosaurus rex, after first undoing his own sabotage. The next scene sees Yates turning on Whitaker and the Butler, accusing them of trying to kill the Doctor. Good old Mike Yates, I knew he wasn't a baddy really!

After he tries to persuade Whitaker to let the Doctor in on their plan (their secret plan, I mean, he already knows about the dinosaur-summoning bit) because "he might be sympathetic" he gets told no, like a naughty puppy, and sent back to do more sabotage because they still think the Doctor is a danger to them.

They should also be worried about Sarah, who has been doing some investigating of her own, into any mannys who know about time travel (another opportunity for a gratuitous reference to Ruth and Stuart missed...) and she has found out about Whitaker. Grover also knows about Whitaker, but he dismisses the possibility that Whitaker could be responsible for the dinosaurs out of paw, which is itself very suspicious since we know Whitaker is responsible. 

General Finch seems more responsive to Sarah's theory, which is also suspicious because he was so dismissive of her last time. Is there anybody in this story who isn't on the side of the baddys? At this rate the Doctor and Sarah would do better to team up with the dinosaurs, at least all they want to do is invade nom things.

The tyrannosaurus rex looks quite cute when it is having sleeps, d'awwwww. It's just like Dragon when he's having sleeps. (Dragon denies being cute and insists he is mighty.) Sarah goes in to take photos of it being all cute and sleepy, but the camera flashes wake it up and it is, unsurprisingly, pretty grumpy at having been rudely awakened. It goes on a rampage and smashes the place up in exactly the way that Dragon says he will but doesn't whenever he gets in a bad mood.

The Doctor helps Sarah run away. I bet he wishes he had a packet of Chewits on him right now! Oh, and isn't that a really big brick wall there, by the way? If I didn't know better I'd swear there was some clever use of models going on.

Sarah is convinced that somebody tried to deliberately get the tyrannosaurus rex to nom her, and this seems to be confirmed when Benton discovers the chains holding it down were sabotaged. This means they now know somebody is in league with the baddys, but not which of the several suspects - that the story has already carefully established - it was.

Sarah decides to investigate the mystery of the secret power source that she knows Whitaker must be using to summon dinosaurs with, so she goes to ask Grover for help finding it.

Grover has a suspiciously Village-like telephone on his desk. He takes Sarah into a cupboard (naughty Grover) to show her some "confidential ministerial files" (oo-er missus) and these prove to Sarah that the secret "nuclear generator" "must be under this building." The immediate implications of this escape Sarah, as she is pleased about this discovery right up until the point where Grover captures her.
Sarah: "You're mad. You're absolutely raving mad!"
Grover: "On the contrary, Miss Smith, my associates and I are on the only ones who are sane."
Sarah: "Creating monsters in central London?"
Grover: "There's a very good reason for it, which you will one day learn. Now I'm afraid I must leave you."
Sarah: "They'll find me, you know."
Grover: "I very much doubt it, Miss Smith, not where you are going."
Grover and the Butler put Sarah in a room where she gets hypno-eyesed by flashing lights - Grover's whole setup is very reminiscent of The Prisoner, maybe where Sarah is "going" is the Village?

Actually when Sarah wakes up she finds that she is on a spaceship, and the manny she meets there, Mark, tells her
"We left Earth three months ago."


This is a great twist, but it left Scary Cat very disappointed that there wasn't another surprise dinosaur.

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