Tuesday 9 August 2022

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs Part Four

The tyrannosaurus rex being cute when it had sleeps has made Scary Cat lose interest, but for this episode I am joined by my friend Starcat who was intrigued by the cliffhanger at the end of part three, and much more interested in watching now that the story involves space and spaceships. 

Also Dragon is here as well. After the recap the story goes back to the Doctor and the Brigadier, still on Earth.

The Doctor gets in Josie (sometimes known as the "Whomobile") for the first time, although it is not given a name on screen - just being called the "new car of mine" by the Doctor.

The Brigadier is so amused by the Doctor's new car that he can't resist a lol to himself and a quick fourth wall break... one of the few walls not already broken by the tyrannosaurus rex last time.

Sarah meets more of the mannys on the spaceship. Mark tells her they are going to New Earth, so no wonder she is unhappy - that is a terrible episode! Ruth (though not Ruth) says that mannys are evil so they're going to a new planet "undefiled by the evil of man's technology." Starcat rightly points out a glaring flaw in this plan - that without technology they won't be able to watch their Blakes 7 DVDs, oh noes!

They have lots of other mannys all having sleeps, and other spaceships with yet more mannys on them. If they don't like "man's technology" then I wonder who made their spaceships for them? Monkeys, I expect.

Sarah very quickly begins to spot the flaws in both their plan and in the story she has been told about having been on the spaceship for "three months," because she can still feel the bruise on her hed from when she was knocked out escaping from the dinosaur. Maybe Sarah has watched The Schizoid Manny and remembers how Number Six saw through Number Two's plan in that one. Or even if she hasn't, Malcolm Hulke certainly has.

The Doctor detects something so he goes to investigate. He sees the Butler using a secret lift, so he follows him down to their secret base. Whitaker and the Butler notice the lift being used a second time so they trap the Doctor using slidy-shutter doors until he has no choice but to go back up in the lift... because the Doctor has never been able to escape past locked doors before, mew.

When he comes out, Whitaker summons an actual pterodactyl to attack the Doctor, and he is forced to defend himself using a mop. The Doctor gets away and brings the Brigadier back with him to show him the secret lift, but between the scenes the baddys have removed it (this idea would later be nicked for use in the film Moonraker, except whenever Malcolm Hulke tried to complain about it to somebody else, he would find the offending scene curiously missing). This means they have no evidence to show to Grover (who they still don't know is a baddy), so he claims not to believe the Doctor's story.

The other mannys on the spaceship are all volunteers, and they don't believe Sarah when she says she was catnapped and brought there. So they put her in a room and make her watch documentaries as a punishment. The documentaries are supposed to "re-educate" Sarah, which I think means hypno-eyes her. Ruth reveals she is a baddy when she says
"If she doesn't respond to re-education, we shall have to destroy her."
More like Ruthless if you ask me, mew.

The other baddys - Grover, Whitaker, Finch and Yates - all meet up to plan how to get rid of the Doctor. Yates still refuses to let Finch kill the Doctor, so Grover says they "must discredit him."

The Doctor gets a telephone call from Whitaker, who says
"I was tricked. It's the Minister, Grover. He told me I was working on a government project, but I've escaped and now they're after me."
He arranges to meet the Doctor in the place where the tyrannosaurus rex escaped from, because they already had the set for it.

Once the Doctor gets there, Whitaker summons a dinosaur to meet the Doctor in his place. But the plan isn't for the dinosaur to nom the Doctor, it is a different kind of trap. Finch comes in with the Brigadier and says
"There's your monster maker, Brigadier. Caught in the act."
even though this makes no sense.

The Doctor makes a confused face (as did me and Starcat), because this is a rubbish cliffhanger - without any equipment for summoning dinosaurs nearby, the Doctor obviously couldn't have summoned the dinosaur. So the fact that Finch is accusing him of this proves he must be in league with the dinosaur-summoning baddys, thus all Finch has done is give himself away as a baddy. Although the last-minute appearance of a stegosaurus means this does at least count as a dinosaur cliffhanger, which partially redeems it.

Dinosaur cliffhanger count: 3

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