Sunday 2 December 2018

Doctor Who Night 2018: Minotaurs

Here we see a manny who loves his job. It's the Master, as played by Roger Delgado in his penultimate appearance in Doctor Who.

It would be hard to argue that The Time Monster is one of the best stories of Jon Pertwee's era, but it is easily one of the most fun. From the Doctor speeding up the film to make his car go faster, to the delightful scenes of the Doctor and the Master confronting and one-upping each other from their respective TARDISes. From the Doctor's trippy dream sequence in the very first scene, to the 'this-SFX-isn't-very-good-but-let's-use-it-anyway' approach to the manifestations of Kronos.

There's also a curiously smutty undercurrent to this story. From the Master's evident enjoyment at saying
"Come, Kronos, come!" 
(on more than one occasion), to the Doctor's "time sensor" gadget looking a bit rude, to the ending where Sgt Benton is in the nude, lol.

And there's also a cat! What a great story.

Our loose theme for this year's Doctor Who Night was "minotaurs." The other story we watched was The Horns of Nimon, a lesser story from season 17 that is mainly notable for the Co-Pilot saying
"Weakling scum!"
four times over the course of two episodes before he gets killed off...

Not really of course. It is mainly notable for the character of Soldeed, as played by Graham Crowden. Following a story where Roger Delgado played the baddy was never going to be easy, but he rises to the challenge and gives one of the most over-the-top performances in all of Doctor Who.

Crowden took on Tom Baker in his own show and was determined to out-ham him... or die trying. Judge for yourselves how well that turned out.

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