Friday 17 April 2020

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who and the Silurians: Episode Five

Green Face stops Pink Face from killing the Doctor, and we learn that Captain Hawkins and the other UNIT mannys aren't ded (phew!) but they are trapped and running out of air.

The Doctor continues to try and warn the Silurians, but now he is warning them that mannys will retaliate if they get killed. Major Baker tries to stop him, for some reason, but only gets hypno-eyesed for his trouble.

Pink Face conspires with another Silurian who appears to be his friend. Meanwhile Green Face talks with the Doctor.

"This is our planet, we were here before man. We ruled this world millions of years ago."

Actually the planet belongs to cats because cats are best. This is the story's big twist moment, although it has been carefully foreshadowed with things like the 200 million years old globe that the Doctor and Liz found. The Silurians aren't aliens at all, they are Earthlings - a clever reversal of the twist in Quatermass and the Pit where mannys turn out to be aliens.

The Doctor realises that the Silurians are really very stupid, and were having sleeps to hide from a "catastrophe" that "never happened."
Major Baker calls the Doctor a "traitor" because he is after the coveted position of most stupid character in this whole story. So far he is winning easily, in spite of the large amount of high-calibre competition he's up against.

The Silurians were only able to wake up when the mannys built their nuclear power station nearby. Or at least that is Green Face's excuse - I think they were just being very lazy. The Doctor tries to convince Green Face that there is room for mannys and Silurians to both live on the Earth in peace, and asks him to release the trapped UNIT mannys as a sign of good faith... and to counteract trapping them to die, which was a sign of bad faith.

One of the trapped mannys goes mad and attacks Captain Hawkins, like the manny in the hopistal did to the Doctor back in episode one. Green Face releases all the UNIT mannys just in time, and then tells Pink Face what he has done and why.
"This other species has developed its own civilisation. We must accept them as equals."

No! Not that kind of Civilization, Gandhi!

"I disagree! We must destroy them!"
Pink Face loses his shit and storms off in a huff.

Pink Face's friend is watching Major Baker on a Silurian TV, even though the real Major Baker is right there in front of him. He changes channels on the TV using his hypno-eye. It has so many uses. Pink Face wants his friend to help him become their new leader, and threatens to hypno-eyes him if he doesn't.

The Brigadier makes it back to the power station and Dr Lawrence's office set, where Liz and Masters were trying to be competent, but being hindered by Dr Lawrence and Miss Dawson acting like dicks.

Green Face and the Doctor reach an agreement, unaware of Pink Face's Starscreamesque plotting. Green Face leaves the Doctor behind an invisible door, giving Jon Pertwee an opportunity to show off his miming skillz.

Pink Face releases Major Baker as part of his plan, after first having secretly infected him with his friend's manny-killing plague. Green Face is angry when he finds out what Pink Face has done, and Pink Face says
"You are no longer fit to lead us."
to his face. Like Megatron, Green Face responds by saying
"I shall destroy you if you defy me again."
but he doesn't actually destroy him. Instead he tells the Doctor what has happened and gives him some of the plague in a jar as a present, hoping the Doctor can use it to find a cure (since the silly Silurians didn't think to make one).

Major Baker arrives back first and pretends to have escaped. The Doctor gets there soon after and tells him
"Major Baker, you are ill. You are very, very ill."
and there are signs of the plague on Major Baker's wrist. The Doctor gets everybody to stand back, at least two metres away from Major Baker.

Pink Face pewpewpews Green Face so that he can say 'I Pink Face am the new leader of the Siluricons!'
This must be the equivalent of a Silurian election, because all the other Silurians seem happy to go along with him after he's done it.

Major Baker gets taken to the hopistal so that he can start spreading the plague there. The Doctor tries too late to get the mannys to do a quarantine, but they are as hopeless as the UK government in 2020 (little bit of politics there, cats and doggys, oh yes indeed). Masters, for example, heads straight off to London, despite his starting to feel unwell before he has even left the office.

When the Doctor and the Brigadier arrive outside the hopistal in Bessie, they see Major Baker running around in his dressing gown trying to get away - by this point he has made more escape attempts from the hopistal than Number Six from the Village. But this is his last, because soon he goes

"Is he dead?"
asks the Brigadier, after unwisely touching him. Wash those paws, naughty Brigadier!
"Yes. The first one."
replies the Doctor - topical cliffhanger!

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