Thursday 25 June 2020

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: Inferno Episode Two

D'aww, Harry Slocum is so cute, with his silly big paws and his rars.

A UNIT manny named Wyatt shoots him and then gets attacked. Harry makes things he touches very hot, such as the lever or the wall. Eventually he dies but the two mannys he touched start acting strange as well. Sergeant Benton tells the Brigadier they have disappeared.

The Doctor sees Wyatt up on a roof (a hot tin roof?) and chases after him. His face has gone green and he rars and tries to attack the Doctor but he falls off the roof instead.

Sir Keith has collected some of the green slime in a big jar and shows it to the Doctor and Professor Stahlman. Stahlman is not prepared to listen to anybody else, not even his own computer when it says something that he doesn't like. The Doctor gets fed up and tells him to his face
"You, sir, are a nitwit!"
He has obviously had more than he can take of obstructive mannys in positions of authority this season, but is still too polite to call Stahlman a cunt. Also I don't think they would have been allowed to use that word on TV back in the '70s, hence it being cut from Spearhead from Space.

When the jar of slime starts to bubble, Stahlman picks it up and puts it away in its box. The Doctor tells him
"Yes, well, I wouldn't have done that if I was you."
Stahlman says he's not going to let the Doctor have any more nuclear power, which is an obvious lie because they only just had a scene where the problem was they had too much power.

The Doctor says
"That's an incredibly childish attitude to take."
but this is my review and I can put in pictures from Blakes 7 to illustrate what "too much power" looks like if I want to, mew.

When Stahlman talks to Petra we can see that his paw has started to go green like Harry Slocum's did, although the characters are not aware of it yet. Then when he is alone he looks at his hand and makes a face.

Stahlman steals a component from the computer and is about to smash it when the Doctor catches him.
"That computer is a threat to you, isn't it? It could prove you wrong. Now give me that micro-circuit."

Stahlman is about to smash it anyway when the Doctor does "Venusian Karate" to stop him. He tries to tell the Brigadier about the computer sabotage but Stahlman gets away long enough to smash the micro-circuit on the floor.

The Doctor steals some nuclear power for the TARDIS console and goes back to his shed, then sends Liz away so he can do it by himself. After he has started his test, Stahlman notices what has happened and turns the Doctor's power off.

Liz and the Brigadier get back to the shed just in time to see the Doctor, the TARDIS console and Bessie all disappear in a very nice slow fade - cliffhanger!

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