Sunday 5 July 2020

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons Episode Two

As the Doctor was at pains to establish in Inferno, he is not Batman, and so he has no trouble throwing the bomb out of the window, where it lands in the water at some unsuspecting location and then explodes. Benton says
"There's going be some complaints about that you know, Doctor."
and the Doctor gives him a look as if to say "I'll make the jokes around here, thank you Sergeant."

The Doctor explains to Yates and Benton how the Master's hypno-eyes work:
"The Master can completely control the human mind."
"So he can just take over anyone he likes?"
"No, not quite. No, some minds are stubborn enough to resist hypnosis. In any case, it doesn't last. Away from the Master's influence, the mind struggles constantly to free itself."

The Master tries to impress McDermott by showing him an inflatable chair, and then when McDermott sits down in it, it noms him.

No wonder John Cleese is looking nervous.

The Master starts to explain his plan to Farrel, now nothing more than his hypno-eyesed henchmanny:
"The human body has a basic weakness. One that I which I shall exploit to assist in the destruction of humanity."

Another Mr Farrel arrives and wants to take charge. The Master tries to hypno-eyes him, and even sets his theme music on him, but this Mr Farrel resists.
"Congratulations, Mr Farrel. Usually I can overcome opposition, but your will is exceptionally strong. One might say dangerously strong."

The Master gives Mr Farrel a plastic troll. He doesn't want it, but the Master puts it in his car anyway. When he is driving along, the troll wakes up for a bit, but then it goes back to sleep when Mr Farrel doesn't pay it any attention.

By now the Doctor has dehypno-eyesed Jo. Yates and Benton have found a lead (off-screen) to the circus from episode one, so the Doctor goes to investigate, but he won't let Jo come with him.

In a scene between the Master and Farrel (er, the one who is his henchmanny), the Master explains that he deliberately left the clue to the circus:
"You see, the bomb was by way of being a greetings card, a small little gallantry on the eve of battle. The car will lure the Doctor to the circus, and there, I shall destroy him."

Mr Farrel (the other one) has arrived home with the troll. When he is trying to mind his own business, quietly reading a newspaper (note for cats: newspapers are what mannys used to read in the olden days before the internets), it wakes up again and attacks him when he pays attention to it. Then it runs away and Mr Farrel goes
This is probably for the best because it reduces the number of Mr Farrels in the story back to a manageable number.

The Doctor arrives at the circus in Bessie, unaware that Jo is hiding in the back. The Doctor is almost immediately captured by the evil lion-capturing manny who the Master hypno-eyesed back in part one. He says
"Maybe my friend'll let me feed you to the tigers."
Does this mean he has tigers prisoner as well? Oh noes!

Jo rescues the Doctor, and then the Master sends the missing scientist from part one (who he has also hypno-eyesed) to run in with another bomb. The Doctor manages to dehypno-eyes him enough to make him self-sacrifice, so that only he gets blowed up, and not the Doctor or Jo.

The Doctor finds the Master's TARDIS key and lets himself in, making off with the dematerialisation circuit. All the circus baddys run up to him and Jo and attack the Doctor. A police car and a second car with the Brigadier and Yates drive up. The policemannys take the Doctor and Jo away, and the Brigadier and Yates are left to follow them. While the Doctor and Jo are relieved to have been rescued, we learn (though they don't) that Benton has checked and the supposed policemannys are not really police.

Jo wonders where they are being taken in the car. She looks out and says
"It's some sort of a quarry." 

When the Doctor asks the fake policemanny a question, he turns around and suddenly has a really obviously fake face...

...which the Doctor removes to show the Auton underneath - cliffhanger!

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