Friday 4 March 2022

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: Frontier in Space Episode Four

The Doctor is rescued by the Master, who says
"I'd hate you to come to any harm, you know."
Lol. The prison's Governor is acting like more of a baddy than the Master, sentencing the Doctor and Professor Dale to a year in solitary confinement, which is a kind of prison for when you're already in prison.

The Master helps the Doctor again, by confronting the Governor and threatening him.
The Master: "I think that those two prisoners were telling the truth. I think that your trustee, Cross, was helping them."
Governor: "Why should he do that?"
The Master: "On your instructions."
Governor: "That is an outrageous suggestion..."
The Master: "Oh come, Governor. You rid yourself of a politically dangerous prisoner, and foster the legend that escape is impossible in one go. I must congratulate you."
Governor: "You're being very impertinent."
The Master: "Suppose I were to support the Doctor's demand for an official inquiry? Some very awkward questions could be asked."
Governor: "I have nothing to fear."
The Master: "Haven't you? Oh, come, Governor."
This is an example of why the Master is such a brilliant regular character, and so much more than just an antagonist for the Doctor.

Again he gets his way, and the Doctor is released into his custody just as Jo was. He tells the Doctor of all the crimes the Doctor is accused of committing on Sirius 4, to which the Doctor replies
"I seem to be quite the master criminal, don't I?"

The Doctor is taken to the Master's spaceship, where there is a big cage that Jo is already inside, and the Doctor soon joins her. The Master says
"Well, Doctor, this is an interesting reversal. I remember your once visiting me when I was in prison."
The Doctor asks why he is still alive, and the Master makes a cryptic reference to his "employers" being "most interested" in him. Oh noes, that means the Master has had to get a job!

The spaceship takes off and flies over some stock footage of the moon's surface, then into space. The Doctor and Jo start trying to escape, even though the Master is watching them over the "closed-circuit television" (his ship has all the latest technology). To pass the time the Doctor starts making continuity references to previous stories, which bores the Master so he starts reading his book.

(I love how he still has his gloves on while reading, so cool. Purr.)

The Doctor gets out of the cell, and Jo has to keep talking so the Master doesn't notice what they're up to. She waffles on for quite a while, Katy Manning giving a good portrayal of somebody who is improvising:
"Lethbridge-Stewart, hey! As far as he's concerned I've been absent without leave all this time. I'm always telling you that you've no idea where you're going in that TARDIS of yours. I mean, you're supposed to be getting me back to Earth, right? And we keep landing up in one terrible situation after the other. I mean, when I get back, I'll probably be court-martialed, and then I'll be put in a cell again."
Not surprising that this is at the forefront of her mind, mew...
"That's if we do get back, and the way things are going, it doesn't look like it. But if we do get back, I'm telling you one thing, right here and now. I'm never going back in that TARDIS with you again. But if we do get back, I really do think you ought to be a bit more reasonable with the Master. I mean, he keeps offering you a share in the galaxy, or whatever's going on, and you keep refusing him and playing dirty tricks on him. But, you see, the trouble is with you is, well, you're so stiff-necked. I mean, you've got to realise that this time the Master has won. You might as well make the best out of a terrible situation. I mean, look at it now. Here we are..."
It is at this point the Master turns the volume down so he doesn't have to listen to any more. But we do.
"Goodness knows where he's taking us to. I mean, just a few of those Ogrons is bad enough. Can you imagine... I mean, imagine a whole planet of them? Still, I suppose it's all my own fault really. I mean, if I hadn't asked my uncle to pull those strings and get me that job, I'd never have landed up in this mess in the first place. You know, some people think that it's very romantic working in intelligence. Oh, but my goodness, I could tell you it's not. I mean, they think that I run around all day with terrific-looking James Bond types going to suave dinner parties. Oh, but I don't, you know. I mean, either I'm with the Brigadier and I'm doing the filing at HQ, which is very, very difficult, or else I'm running around making tea and being general dogsbody. I mean, the times come really when I'm..."
By this point the Doctor has managed to get a spacesuit on and open the airlock to get to the outside of the spaceship. 

The Master, who is blissfully unaware of the Doctor's escape attempt, makes "a sharp course correction" while the Doctor is still outside, and this causes the Doctor to let go and begin floating around in space. He gets back to the spaceship and climbs about on it for a bit until he gets back inside through a different space door.

The Master eventually notices the Doctor has escaped so he gets a gun and goes to where Jo is still in the cage. He makes her get into the airlock, and threatens the Doctor that he will "open the outer door and hurl her into space."

We see that there is another spaceship flying towards the Master's, but the Master and the Doctor are unaware of it because they are too busy confronting each other. The Doctor manages to sneak up on the Master and disarm him of his gun, and then they fight until the Master manages to get to the airlock buttons.

The airlock opens and some Draconians come in with Jo and, mistaiking the two Time Lords for mannys, capture them both to take them to their planet Draconia. The Master ends up in his own cage, along with the Doctor and Jo, but from there he sends a secret signal to another spaceship, where we see there is an Ogron. This new twist in the plot isn't really much of a cliffhanger, but it is where the episode ends, with a shot of the back of an Ogron's head.

Imprisoned counter: Doctor 2, Jo 2, Master 1
Running total: Doctor 9, Jo 8

Oh, and did you see what they did there? The Master is reading The War of the Worlds because he's trying to start a war between the worlds of Earth and Draconia, lol!

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