Friday 22 July 2022

Big Gay Longcat reviews Doctor Who: The Time Warrior Part Three

This is one of those uncommon instances where the recap of the end of the previous episode adds in a little bit extra that we didn't see before, thereby changing the context of the cliffhanger. Here it is that Sarah and Hal are observing the fight scene between the Doctor and Irongron and his mannys.

Hal shoots the axe from Irongron's paw (I presume that, like Avon with Travis in Orac, he was "aiming for his head" or at least is going to claim that when asked why he didn't just shoot Irongron). The Doctor runs to where Sarah and Hal are, and gets captured by them.

Linx asks Irongron to help him recapture the Doctor, unaware that he has just been fighting with him.
"Is this Doctor a long shank rascal with a mighty nose?"
asks Irongron, lol.

At Sir Edward's castle, Sarah talks to the Doctor and he finally convinces her that he isn't a baddy:
Sarah: "How do I know you're telling the truth?"
Doctor: "Because I never lie. Well... hardly ever. You ever heard of UNIT?"
Sarah: "You work for UNIT?"
Doctor: "In an advisory capacity, yes. Well, they asked me to look into this question of the missing scientists for them."
Sir Edward and Lady Eleanor are harder to convince, and Sir Edward, who thinks the Doctor is a magician, says
"I shall spare your life if you cast your spells and incantations to help me against Irongron, Doctor. Refuse and you die."
The Doctor quickly thinks of an "illusion" to help them when Irongron's mannys attack.

When they are alone together, the Doctor explains more about himself when Sarah questions him:
Doctor: "If you mean 'am I a native of the planet Terra?' the answer is 'no, I'm not.'"
Sarah: "Well, what are you then?"
Doctor: "Me? I'm a Time Lord."
Sarah: "A Time Lord?"
Doctor: "Yes, that's right. And my people are very keen to stamp out unlicensed time travel. You can look upon them as galactic ticket inspectors, if you like."
Sarah: "Galactic ticket inspectors? Oh, I could murder a cup of tea. You're serious, aren't you?"
Doctor: "About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it."

Irongron, Bloodaxe and Linx are fooled by the fake mannys in the castle at first, but then when Linx shoots one he realises they are dummies. They attack the castle, but the Doctor also has smoke and "stink" bombs to throw at them, which makes them all run away.

The Doctor and Sarah sneak into the castle disguised as monks. They get into Linx's laboratory where they see his spaceship, and also Professor Rubeish and the hypno-eyesed mannys who are there. The Doctor finds Linx's "osmic projector" (time machine) which he hopes to use to send them back to their own time, but he wants to de-hypno-eyes them first. They are interrupted by Linx coming in and have to hide, but the Doctor comes out of hiding to stop Linx from pewpewpewing one of the mannys. 

The Doctor again tries to do a deal with Linx, but it goes exactly the same way as last time and ends with Linx pewpewpewing the Doctor. Even the theme music knows the Doctor isn't going to succeed this time because it starts up early, coming in before he gets pewed for the cliffhanger.

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